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DarkRiderX Blog

More videos coming up!

I have just finnished my newest music video, which is American History X with Starsailor - Way to fall as music. I havent uploaded it but it probably won't be long. There is a big spoiler, if you havent seen it (which I sugest that you do!). It's defently one of my more quiet videos.

I actually have some other music videos that I havent uploaded yet. Halo2 with In Flames - Dead End (which is actually on youtube). I have Splinter Cell Chaos Theory with In Flames - My Sweet Shadow. And a little eksperiment that I made a while ago, where I simply took my "Spiderman The diary of jane" video, and put the acoustic version on, and made a few ajustments, so it fit a bit better. I wont promise that they will apear on Gamespot, but who knows?:wink:

yay! New review up!

Alright, so I'm finally starting to go back to the whole review thing. For a lot of time I just didnt even bother, but now I feel active again.
So please check out my new review for Unreal Championship:wink:.

Just fell down some stupid steps

I was just walking normaly, down the stairs, with an empty glas, (which I had done a hundred times before) and it is one of those stairs that kinda goes around itself. I had just finnished the first three steps (or something), and suddenly my stupid foot slip'd:evil: I hit my head down a step, and smah'd my head into the wall. Then just roll'd down the rest of the steps. I drop'd my glas (luckely it didnt broke). When I was down, I got this extremly big bump on my head, and I found out that I had just made a little hole, on one of the steps. And I had hit a picture down from the wall.

My Videos On!

I'm beginning to upload some of my videos to I will post a link to them, as soon as they are on air.
When I'm at level 10, I will of course post them on Gamespot!:wink:

Heres a link to my music videos:

Right now there is a music video of Spiderman 2, Sin City, Hulk, and Spiderman 1.:D

What I think about the PS3 and WII

PS3: I'm not gonna get that much into it, other then that they are stupid copycats, that can't get there own original idea, and is extremly expensive. The things that I have seen so far from the PS3, I think the 360 can easily pull of. Plus it is to hard to make games for it, that some developes don't even want to release there game to the PS3, for example Splinter Cell Double Agent.
So PS3 is just a bunch of FUBAR.

WII: I don't have much against the WII console, I mean, at least they can come up with there own original idea, and isnt that expensive. And I think that the WII is gonna be the first console, for many small chrildren, which is really great, and I think that they will have a great time using it. But I guess it isnt as great to some more experienced gamers.

So I will just stick to my 360.

More Reviews

I'm planning to make a review on Unreal Championship, and Halo 2, but for some reason I just cant get startet....

My Videos

As soon as I get to level 10, I'm going to post some of my videos that I have made. For example I have made some musicvideos with Spiderman 2, and Splinter Cell Chaos Theory.

Things that I look forward to


Saints Row,
Dead Rising,
Halo 3,
Splinter Cell Double Agent,
Gears of War,


Spider-Man 3,
Live Free or Die Hard (4), although it dosent look like it's going to be half as good as the first three, but anyway
Saw 3,
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre The Beginning,
Metal Gear Solid,
The Dark Knight.
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