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Oh no...

I knew it. I knew it would happen. It had to. My mistakes that I deeply regret are coming back to haunt me. She still thinks I'm a bad kid, and I was really hoping she saw that I've put all of it behind me. I had to see it coming that I'dav had to act like a saint for things to bo back to before. After calling on my all throughout class and me not knowing one tiny bit of the work, she told me to go to the after school program otherwise she'd call my home. Oh, and her taunting me about going to summer school really pissed me off, I don't even know how I held my tongue back. "You think it's hard now? Wait 'till summer school." I wanted to punch her. I even told my friend after class "What a stupid **** She also said at the end of class "Come here tough guy".