Their going to come out January andFebruary of next year.
DarkSevens' forum posts
PersonallyI enjoyed the game but it was to short and the end totally sucked. Like the first one the games gets boring after completing it but there is a little bit more to do but its rather annoying. Still i think this game is worth the money.
Dude Whats bad you ask?
When you shoot the aim does not move anything the story sucks and there is a little amout of weapons.
The only thing that is a bit good is the online but there are only very little people online .
Well I played the demo and I found it quit good and I'm thinking about buying.
So I was wondering is there any online or split screen offline coop?
So i just bought Burnout Paradiseand Im doing the updates.
How big are they? I have been dowloading for about 2h now and there not even half done.
Ok my internet isnt the fastes but still.
Well i have a to fast internet conection nad every time I play little big planet online it laggs like crazy.
On the other side my friends has the same conection but when playing cod online he never has any laggs.
Is somthing wrong with my intetnet or is it LBP?
The easiest silver ever was Little Big Planet Dr. Frankenstein you get it while doing the tutorial O_O
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