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DarkSlayer86 Blog

My Top10 Greatest Games of All Time!! Part 1

Hey watsup guys,

Everybody has their share of opinion about wich games are the best. Well i`ve listed my own Top10 Games. These are from the platform PC. In the later edition i`ll be posting other platforms. Feel free to comment.

1. Grand Theft Auto 4

2. World of Warcraft: The lich king

3. Age of Mythology: The titans

4. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

5. Microsoft Flight Simulator X

6. Hitman: Contracts

7. The Sims 2

8. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

9. Unreal Tournament

10. Hitman: Silent Assassin

In my later blogs i will be posting the PS2 Top10.

Later, DarkSlayer86

Should we be happy?


Everybody gotta put their wishlist in order for 2009, well here`s mine.

1. Get a car!!!

2. Get a PS3

3. Renovate my room.

4. Start a successfull union before FEB.

5. Be alive the whole year.

That`s it for my wishlist. Tell me yours. You know the saying; the more you tell it, the sooner it comes true.

Later, DarkSlayer86

In the beginning!!

Hi everyone,

Since i`ve been offline there have been a lot of changes to gamespot. So for now i`m just gonna have to earn my emblems back on my new profile.

I`m gonna wait till later levels to start going back on the unions. So a little bit of patience.

For now i`m just gonna chill back and continue leveling up!

Later, DarkSlayer86

My First Blog!!

First of all, i would like to wish everybody a Happy New Year 2009, and may all your dreams and wishes come true this year.

I was previously a former member off gamespot under the nickname springjesus, i`m sure one of you still remember me. I`m officialy back on gamespot. After all this time i`ve decided to make a comeback to the site under a new nickname for a fresh start.

So i`ll be seeing you guys soon on the forums and hope to talk to you soon.
