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Dark_Auror Blog


Hola :o thats the only spanish word I know :o besides the obvious ones everyone knows like gracias and buenos noches and mucho gustas and stuff like that... No habla espanol... Im not gonna check that because I know I spelled it wrong... :D

Today is a WONDERFUL MONDAY!!!!!!... kinda ... its 10:40 so its almost tuesday...

Yesterday I got my first Tos on this account :o you always remember your first ;) I was Tos'd for my previous blog for obvious reasons. But they didnt delete my blog :o they actually gave me a chance to change it :o Thats never happend before :shock:. COULD TV.COM BE CHANGING ITS EVIL NAZI WAYS!!!! Probably not :P

Today me and my friends called that 8675309 number form the song. The first time i tried it a couple of years ago but the call didnt go through, today I learned ya got to put 1 before the area code :o that was probably obvious to everyone but me :o ...

So I called and started singing the song but then the guy said he was tracing my number and that I was going straight to jail. . . I immediatly hung up and immediately relised

1. He cant track my Cell Phone

and 2. Calling a number and singing wasnt illegal :o

He got me :x he's prolly had a lot of time to think of that , people probably call the poor guy everyday :P

Video of the day :o : READ A BOOK :


I just saw Wanted today :| Its the sh!t :|

If you have trouble suspending your sense of belief ( you dont like movies where stuff happens that cant happen in real life) then you probably wount like this movie. I thought it was really good though. I cant really see it getting alot of good review though :P .... A guy stabbs a guy in the eye with a gun and shoots people out the back of his head :| ...:D

A MINUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!e

Its july fourth... OVer 200 yeras ago America told Brittian they was leaving :o and then Britain fought us and then they gave up and assumed we would fail and come crawling back to them :o and they was wrong...

I just got back from seeing Get Smart. Its really funny, I was crying laughing through half the movie. I would have peed my pants laughing if I hadnt peed my pants before the movie cause I was to lazy to go to the bathroom and get up :o...

LAZY MOFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I command you to watch my montage of evil, meaning, if you laugh at any of these (which you will) then you are evil!!!!!!!

JULY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3rd. . .

Today es beutiful 3rd of July which is like 4th of July except minus 1 ...

Today I woke up and did ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ABSOLULEY NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D I was supposed to work out but .... I didnt :|...... Cause im a lazy mofo :D YAY LAZY MOFOS!!!!!!!!

My city held the fireworks today seeing as no one is ever in town on July 4th. I went to see them tonite. It occoured to me that Firework Technology (I guess you could call it that :|) had changed since I was a lil kid. The Big fireworks are bigger and alot of them blow wind and the smaller ones hcan do a weird thing where they scatter like gnats. There some that turned into Smily faces and stars. There's hardly any that go into the air and dont go off anymore...

Well thats it :|... *Rapes Konni* . . . *Eats Poopet* . . . . *Kills Gad and Ponic* . . . *Gives Slugg a stomach flu* . . . *tackle hugs elie*. . . okay im done :|


I was just half banned :| I could view blog postsm not even my own but I could comment forums :|

Now everythings back to normal and I have Diharrea :|

Just thougth I'd let you know that :|



Only have nine people not tracking me now =;

And i have nothing to talk about :|... why did I bother making a blog :|...

Tie's gone... Rachel's gone.... Sparkey's gone.... Atlantis is gone..... Endei's..... Piff's gone......

What happened to this freaking site. >_> Even Pooh is gone >_> how the f*** did they justify banning Pooh >_> the kid was like a goody two shoes >_>... Teen Titans forum is all but dead, which is pretty impressive since the show ended almost 3 years ago, DBZ forums are boring... Meh....

Well in my life The camp is finally over... I killed one of the kids... The instructur hated the kid so he didnt alert the police :D and the only interesting think tats happened to me in the last.. week..or life time was I saw Indiana Jones which wasnt really that bad and Watch Harold and Kumar go to white castle, And yester day CN had Cats dont Dance, I havent seen that movie in years :D, they put a commercial right in the middle of a song though >_>

There are two new Yugioh Abridged episodes :D epi 28 is really funny, epi 29 is okay

I also recently destroyed everything on my computer because It was slow and could play videos so Ima be on a little be more because I dont need my laptop to get on anymore ...

So.... Sex anyone?? :|

Will. Have. Revenge.

Of all the people from my on my old friendslist that I tracked only half of them have tracked meh so far =; Well for the half of you that dont suck here's a new blog .... About HELL!!!!!! well not really hell but summer camp... which is kind of like hell except there's usually a pool... So's basically My parents wanted me to do something this summer, and I wouldnt get job, Im 15 and lazy not my fault =; So they sign me up for some week long Life Guard camp >_> where you learn how to be a... lifeguard!!!! yeh none of you were expecting that=;. It's not all bad cause I am learning some cool and useful things but Im the oldest person in the class >_> the rest of them are like 12!! I think the next oldest just turned 13 !! >_> Oi so I'm a 15 year old in a swim class with a bunch of 11 and 12 year olds while some of my class mates are actually working at the pool >.> Darn my parents... Some. Day. They. Will. ALL. PAY!!!!! :x OH AND SHOUT OUT TO TANIA PINDEL :D(i think thats ur name):D YOU BETTER COMMENT TANYELI >=O


All this week I was on one of those Adventures by Disney trips where your family and a bunch of ther families go on trip led by some disney peoples

Saturday: Went from Orlando Airport to Nashville and from Nashville to Phoenix where they picked us up and took us to some Pueblo place named after Montezuma, they then took us to our hotel in Sedona which was pretty nice.

Sunday: Some people dressed as cowboys took us jeep tours through sedona and taught us about the geology and stuff. And then some cattle ranchers taught us how to lasso cattle on a fake cow thingy

Monday: We took and hour long bus trip to... where ever the hell the Grand Canyon is. We stopped at the Grand Canyon for a little while then went to our hotel.

Tuesday: We spent the day at the hotel abd watched the sunset behind the grand Canyon

Wednesday: We had a six hour bus ride to somewhere in utah. In between we had a jeep ride tour through the Navajo reservation then went to our third hotel.

Thursday: We hiked through arches national park and hiked to delicate arch.

Friday: We had the morning off and then went white water rafting down some river (i think the Colorado but im not sure)

Saturday: Had too take plane from Utah back to Phoenix and im still their waiting for my flight to orlando

The trip was fun and one of the funnest vacations I've had in awhile. I reccomend a Adventures by Disney trip and thats like the first disney thing I've recommended eva :o

Oh and apparently a while ago my brother did something stupid with my account.. and well here i am :x