What I learned : Bungie told us the first Destiny would have for about ten years of content... Now they release Destiny 2 like 3 years later, and from what I've played, it's just a copy paste of the first one, might as well been a DLC. Money hungry corporations are killing my faith in the video game industry.
I'm hoping that this game will be more adult themed than its predecessors, considering the general tone of the books. It looks on track, seeing a horse getting beheaded and a crow making its way through a man's skull. Only misses naked women now.
@Dannyodwyer, did you just make a new show to announce that you were now available for the ladies? :D Whatever the inspiration, it's always good to see you around! And don't worry, the next one will be a gamer and won't let you down because you play too much videogames! :)
Strictly considering appearances, Cruise does indeed look like the game's protagonist. But if you're looking for good acting, Norton would be my choice. As for Downey Jr, I don't think he would fit well in the role of a serious man with a cause, imo.
Dark_December's comments