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GameSpot's Temporary Emblems

Aloha Everyone! :)

As most of you know, the special holiday Turkey Emblem has finally received the axe at GameSpot. I know that the emblem was special for those as to receive the emblem you had to log onto the site on Thanksgiving 2006. The emblem receive the axe a long time ago at GameSpot's sister site, So I can see the reason why it needed to go. Emblem hounds would be demanding special emblems for holidays as there were the talk about a Christmas emblem at in one of it's forums. This would lead to creating pointless emblems that really isn't needed. To tell you the truth, the Turkey Emblem was created by two CNET employees for good fun and appearead on and GameSpot. removed it despite users wanting it gong, but GameSpot kept it.

Now...this leads to the Pie and cake emblems as users learned from JodyR that they are only temporary.'s a nice emblem, but really they were created for fun and should be only temporary.

I'd rather see new site improvements, features, and content over having a temporary Holiday and Special emblems for just logging onto the site on the day of the holiday or responding to a poll. I'm pleased to see that JodyR made the announcement that certain emblems will be temporary as some are just pointless and clutter up the emblems that actually mean something more.

So really...what would you rather have...a silly pointless emblem for not really doing anything but logging onto the site or responding to a poll, or a site that is better than it is now with new improvements, features, and content? If you pick emblems...what can GameSpot do to make you happy? What ever you do...please don't flame the staff for removing them.

Thanks for stopping and have a wonderful day! :)