Would You Like to Join StreetWise.
by Dark_Eagle80 on Comments
Here is your golden opportunity to join StreetWise. StreetWise is a Promotional Company that gets people to join teams to promote TV Shows, Bands, Movies, Video Games, and among other things. It's FREE to join. They send you free stuff (SWAG) to pass out to your friends, family, and any other people you can think of. On top of that, if you do a good job you can win prizes too. Some of the prizes I have won in the past includes a $25 Best Buy Gift Card, $25 EB Games Gift Card, a Rare "Lost" Oceanic Air T-shirt, and 4 Free Movie Tickets. I've only been a member for less than a year. If you like to join please use the link below. http://www.streetwise.com/swmembership/?m_id=452 This is only way you can join StreetWise, by an invite by another member (me). Anyone who like to join must be at least 13 yrs of age or older. It's open to people from other countries as well, not just the US. Just comment below if you joined, so I know who to send a thank you to. If you have friends who like to join, I give you permission to post this link and pass this link. The link again is: http://www.streetwise.com/swmembership/?m_id=452 Remember, it's FREE to join. Here is some of the current TV Shows StreetWise is helping ABC to promote: "Lost" & "Invasion". Thank You and Have a Nice Day! 8) Please Come Again! :D