Aloha! :)
Sorry for not blogging and blopping lately, as I've been extremely busy. A user managed to mass submit me the past week with subs. Anyway...on a good note, I made it to Level 29 at GameSpot last week, and today...I finally made it to Level 44 at As for FilmSpot, I haven't even budged as I think they are still in Beta, but I have seen some very high level users thanks to Fastesttrucks blogs on TopLevel Users.
As you've read in the previous paragraph, that I finally made it to Level 44. Anyway, I finally was able to work on a person guide I'm editor, and to a person guide I'm a TUof by making new submissions. I noticed for the guide I'm TU of that the editor hasn't been on for over a month and a blog written by him about possibly retiring from his guides. The editor is nice and a big support, as it would be sad to see staff retire him for being MIA.
Thanks for stopping and have a wonderful day! :)