Good morning, my lil' birthday cakes!
Well, it was on this day that I popped out of my mom's tummy, got spanked by the doctor and said "I'm gonna rock this world!!!! YEAAAAAAAH!" And chocolate around the world never felt safe again... Yeah, it's my birthday. I'm 26. And gummi bears don't taste the same. I don't really have any big plans. I wanted to go out and have some Japanese food, but I'm feelin' a little tired so I might not. I don't want to buy any more new games... for obvious reason ('sup uber-long gaming backlog!?) I have been tempted, however, to go buy Castlevania: Curse of Darkness and Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow online since I can't find them at my local EB Games. Mom gave me my pressies last night: new clothes! :D So, I'm pimpin' some of them out today at work. Oh, and no more hair extension :O No one seemed to noticed. Then again, it's hard not to notice that I had long hair yesterday and short hair today :P Oh well :P
I need more hours!
Well, as you may know (and if you don't, I'm gonna tell you anyway so there), I have a whooooooole lot of stuff on my plate at home. But, my responsibilities at work have... well... they've increased. A lot. Right now, I'm closing the April Issue of Reader's Digest all by my lonesome since the Rights Administrator is on vacation. Usually when we're both working on it, it takes a day. This is the THIRD day I'm working on it @_@ I didn't know that it was this much work. And over at Our Canada, I'm a full-blown Administrative Assistant... meaning I have lots of power :P Kinda :P I hope I get more hours soon, 'cause right now I feel swamped O_o' I'll have to wait 'til June to find out.
Hate to write an' run, but since this work won't get itself done (unless I hire a helper monkey... maybe I should look into that...), I'm gonna have to go. Sorry peeps! :(
I'm DP, this was my blog, and this cake is going in my tummy. Delicious! :P
Toodles! :D
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