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Accent Core, Apple Core, just give me my X3!

Good evening, my lil daredevils!

After catching up with the latest gaming news and whatnot, I was just sitting around thinking... that there should be a new entry in Wikipedia:

[color=lightpink]Pulling a Capcom[/color]: when a video game company, after releasing what can be considered a successful game, creates several iterations of the same game with some changes that, while may be all well and good, takes time away from releasing a proper sequel. An excellent example is Capcom's successful and highly-acclaimed 2-D fighting game, Street Fighter II and its' many, many iterations.

... yea, that's a bit long. And a bit kooky. :P But I can't help if that's the way I've been feeling about a certain game; my fighting game of choice: Guilty Gear.

Now, for those of you who know me, I'm a wee bit obsessed with the game and its' characters, history, etc. I love Ky... and Slayer... and Testament... and Axl... and I want to be the mother of Sol's children :P But I'm afraid that love might go to the waste side if Arc System continues to play with my emotions like this.

It all started late last month when I found this on my near-daily romp through YouTube:
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Opening

And, naturally, I drooled. A lot. Ye ol' Drool Bucket Mark II was not bucket enough to handle my waterfall of drool. Darn tootin'. Anyhoo, after seeing this, and many more gameplay vids, I started thinking to myself "This is all dandy... but where be X3?"

Then I read this in the GameSpot news this week:
Guilty Gear Accent Core... on the Wii

And then I started to pull my hair out. Sure, I'm happy that AC will be coming to a console near you soon (kinda :?) But when, oh when, will I be able to dive into Guilty Gear X3!?

I feel that Arc System is indeed going down the same path that Capcom went with Street Fighter II. When that came out, that was all I ever talked about. And when my friends and I were waiting for Part III to come out, I was always quick to say,  "Just you wait! It'll come out soon, and it will rule them all!" But years went by, and so many new editions of SFII flooded the market, that by the time SF III came out in arcades... I just lost it. The appeal for a new Street Fighter died down in me, mainly because I had a case of Street Fighter overload. Yep, in this case, too much of a good thing was bad. Oh so very bad.

Guilty Gear is special to me, in that it lit up the fighting game fanatatic in me again. Not that it ever went away mind you, it just wasn't as intense as it was before I got introduced to GG. It certainly filled the void left behind by Street Fighter. Because of the game's uniqueness, I don't feel that it's necessary to release a new version of GGX2 ever year and a half. New characters? New fighting system? Improved graphics? All yays in my book, but wouldn't you want to save those tricks for number 3? Besides, there's so much unfinished business in X2, why keep the fans in suspense? Why not answer their questions right now with a new installment instead of releasing a new version of X2? What does the Postwar Administrative Bureau want with Ki users? What is Axl's relationship with Raven exactly? Will May ever find out she's Japanese? Will Bridget ever become a manly man? Will Jam EVER wear pants!? O_o' See, it's like a soap opera...

I will continue to rock out with the best of them, and I won't let my love for the Gears die out so easily. But I can only hold out for so long. C'mon Arc System, give us a proper sequel soon or Guilty Gear might go down in a whimpering flame instead of a blaze of glory.

This is DP signing off. And remember: Like sands of the hourglass, so are the Gears of our lives...

Let's Rock! :D