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Back from the Crypt... and lay off the Duck!

Hello my lil' hyperactive Tinker Bells! :P

Gee, it's been a good week or so since I last checked in. Hope y'all have been good *hugs* ^_^

Well, I'm back from a lil' cowering in my room. Why am I cowering, you ask? Let's start with last Wednesday, the day of my job training. The training went well. We basically call up people who've expressed interest in lowering their mortgage and set up appointments for our broker-clients. The 11am-4pm shift call folks in the UK while the evening shift call folks in the US (I wanted the 11-4 shift :P ). Anyhoo, I filled out the fancy form and all, and the supervisor said she'll call us in a couple of days when our schedule is finalized. I thought "that's cool", and so I went home... and waited... and waited some more... <_<' they never called or sent an e-mail. @_@ I guess the wiser person would've called to find out what's going on, but my gut told me not to and to just move on. Besides, if what I heard from one of the ladies working there is true, then it would've been a tough first day or two (apparently, they see how you do in your first 2 days and if you aren't setting up a lot of appointments then they let you go). So, here I am, continuing my search... blah! Oo'

[color=lightblue]Returning to the Magic Kingdom[/color]
While I was cowering in my room, glued to the phone in the hopes of getting that Fateful phone call, I started playing Kingdom Hearts again. I wanted to do things I didn't do the first time around... like fight all those hidden bosses. It's only now that I notice how weak Donald was at the beginning. I always had to run to his rescue yelling "Lay off the Duck!" before I pound the poor shmuck into Oblivion. :P

I'm at the End of the World, but left to Synthesise some items... I want Ultima Weapon, dang nabbit! I also managaed to beat the Ice Golem on my third try :P And got my a** handed to me by Lance Bass... er, I mean, Sephiroth. I managed to last a good 10 minutes against him <_< now if only I was inflicting damage on him, I would've felt a lil' better about that. I tried fighting Phantom and Kurt Zisa, but they are uber-tricky... I need more training! Training, I tell you! :P

Anyhoo, my plan is to nab a copy of Chain of Memories and play that after. I'm in a Kingdom Hearts mood! ^_^

[color=yellow]In other news[/color]
My mom got a new job here in town. She's working as a Kitchen Helper at a restaurant. I'm happy she found something else to do... she loves it there! I do too... because she gets to bring stuff home :P Saturday it was a small pizza... Sunday was a salad and a sandwich. Yummy! :D

[color=lightgreen]More news[/color]
I started working on Walter's birthday pressie. I hope I get it done in time... bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha...

[color=orchid]Need some filler fluff in here...[/color]
One of the news stations will be showing the unveiling of Xbox 360 this Friday at midnight. I'll be watching... :P

[color=pink]Running out of steam here...[/color]
Eat bran. It's good for you! Right Mr. Hanky, the Christmas poo? :D

Yea, that's it. Toodles!