Brains, trains, and moving frames
by Dark_Priestess on Comments
Good afternoon, my lil' ickly book of notes :P Well, it be Tuesday (some say Doomsday given the significance of the date an' all, but I think they all loco roco :P ). Anyhoo, lunch is almost over, but since it's been awhile since I last wrote in here, I thought I might give some updates here and there... any everywhere :P [color=lightblue]Good news and... panicky news[/color] The good news is that my brand spankin' new Birth Certificate came yesterday! YAYS! So now I can buy the train ticket for the Big Apple :D The bad news is... I have no money :P I forgot about the payment deadline for my class, so I had to use the money for the train ticket to pay for it :( I'm supposed to get my check from work this week (heck, it's probably at home right now... wanting me to go and get it now :P), so I'm gonna use that to buy the ticket instead. I'm cutting it reeeeeeeeal close here, folks @_@ [color=lightgreen]Me know religion :P[/color] We got our mid-terms back last Thursday for my "Christian Mysteries" class. Scored 27/30. Me smart :P Yays :P I'm doing a bit of research for my paper... I just hope I can get it done! O_o' It's due on the 20th; still got plenty of time, but still... it usually takes me a while to get my paper-writing mojo goin'. Blah :P Maybe I should conveniently skip class to get started on the paper... bwa, ha, ha :twisted: [color=aqua]Gaming news[/color] I'm on Disc 2 on Tales of Destiny 2 for the PSX. I really, really love that game! Especially the fighting system! It's sooooo much uber-fun! Right now, though, the enemies are kicking my bum left and right, so I think it's time for me to level up some :D And that's all she wrote. I have to get back to work, or else no doughnut on Snack Day for me on Thursday :P Teh HORROR! :lol: This is DP signing off. And remember: If your pork chop is moving, call it Snoopy and leave it in the backyard. Toodles! :D