Getting close to the 25 year itch O_o
by Dark_Priestess on Comments
Good afternoon, my lil' Sol's delights! (Yesh, I still have GG on teh brain... blah!) Well, it's lunchtime and I'm here at work. This week, I'm helping close the issue, so I'm here at ye ol' desk eating... and taking a break :P The staff is having a meeting in about half an hour, leaving the freelancers to fend for ourselves O_o. 'Course, I'll be on my best behaviour :twisted: [color=aqua]Birthdays and anniversaries abound[/color] Yesterday marked the 2 year anniversary of my becoming a member of GameSpot. YAYS! And in 6 days, I'll be 25 O_O' I'm getting old! *Breaks out rocker* BLAH! Seriously, though... I don't feel any much different than when I was 23... or 22... or 21... or 5 for that matter :P Oh well. Maybe Gummi Bears will be kind to me and retain their flavour for one more year XD [color=lightpink]In other news[/color] My friend Pierre got his second tattoo done the other day. He asked me to draw a dragon this time :P I have yet to see the finished product, but apparently it turned out pretty good. He asked the same guy who did his phoenix tattoo to do this one too :P It's seems like P-chan is becoming a living canvas for my art :lol: I hope he doesn't start charging me to display my art on his back! O_o' [color=lightgreen]More News...[/color] I finished doing my mom's taxes. Naturally, my remains undone. @_@ I hate having to do taxes differently this year! It's such a hassle to learn how to do everything! Double BLARG! I resolve to get it done this weekend: it's driving me crazy (then again, I've been saying that since last week ... and the week before... and the... oh, you get thet idea). Well, I'm done eating and I have stuff slowing piling up on my desk, so I must fly. This is DP signing off. And remember: the 10 second rule applies to popcorn too... just not in a public space where people are walking with their dirty boots on :P Toodles! :D