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Sony May Not Cry, but I certainly am...

Good mornin' my lil cough drops of joy!

Well, I've had this cold for the last few days and decided to take a break from ye ole Interweb, only to find out today that things have gone to hell and back again.

A couple of weeks ago, GameSpot did a feature article about the 10 Things to Make the PS3 Worth Buying. And while all the points that were discussed were valid, the one that I agreed with the most was the exclusives. If there were more games available that could only be found on the PS3, then I would go spend my $600+ on that system. My general rule of thumb is to wait for at least 3 games that I want to play badly to justify my purchase. And a lil' while ago, I actually had three games in mind that I want to play that I couldn't get anywhere else:

  • Final Fantasy XIII
  • LittleBigPlanet
  • Devil May Cry 4

Seems like a rag-tag lil' group, don't it? But the thought of them only coming out on the PS3 made me feel like I could swallow the price and be happy with it. That is until this morning when I woke up and read the news that Devil May Cry 4 is coming to the PC AND Xbox 360. Oy vey.

I can't say I blame Capcom for doing this; PS3 doesn't have a large install base at the moment and who knows when the situation will improve. If they want to recoop the costs for making the game, they would want it as widely available as possible. That said, it still is disappointing for Sony to lose another exclusive.

I have much love for all 3 platforms from the Big 3, and nothing would make me happier than to see all of them prosper with many awesome games available for them (that way, there's somethin' for everyone, ya know?). But I also feel that every platform should have games that's unique to them; that you can't get anywhere else. Those all-important exclusives. Yet as of late, I can't even sneeze without hearing news of another game that was supposed to be only for the PS3 making the leap to another platform as well. At this rate, FFXIII and Metal Gear Solid 4 will follow suit (you say that won't happen? It very well could if things don't start changing).

So, here we are, one exclusive less and the cold medicine starting to kick in and making me sleepy O_o' I'll just end by saying that I hope Sony tries harder to make exclusives stay on their platform *cough*lower teh price so more people will buy a PS3*cough*, then maybe it won't suffer the fate of being nothing more than a cheap Blu-Ray Player that doubles as a game playing device.

I'm DP, this was my blog, and I'm beginning to wonder if there's any real point in being a part of Sony's Gamer Advisory Panel if they don't really listen to what we want to begin with (LOWER THE BLOODY PRICE, FOR THE LOVE OF BISCUITS!!!!)

Toodles! *sniff, sniff* :cry: