We interrupt your regularly scheduled Journal Entry for this special news bulletin...
Dark_Priestess, that lovable scamp from the GameSpot community, has received her soul back from her niece, Jane Doe *name changed to protect the innocent*, in exchange for a "My Scene Madison" doll and Strawberry Shortcake lip gloss.
The exchange happened on Saturday afternoon at approximately 5:15 pm Eastern Time when Doe, Priestess, Doe's mother and Priestess's mother all went to Zellers (the Canadian equivalant to Wal-Mart... only not :P ) to do some shopping. Priestess offered the doll as a "sacrificial lamb", with the lip gloss being the proverbial icing on the cake(Strawberry-flavoured icing, that is).
In addition to receiving her soul, Priestess also purchased Beyond Good and Evil for the low price of 19.99 CDN, adding a wondrous game to her collection.
Doe and her mother left Priestess's home Sunday at 8:00 am Eastern in order to catch the train to New Jersey. When asked to comment on being re-united with her soul and the departure of her niece and sister, Priestess said "Uhhhh..." and passed out on her bed; chocolate cupcake in mouth.
We will have more on the happy reunion as the story develops.