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Spring Cleaning Come early

Good morn-noon! :P

Ah, the weekend. So full of promise and getting stuff done. Most people can take advantage of that free time. I, on the other hand, have absolutely no idea what to do with myself :D Seriously, I have so many things to do, and yet NOTHING'S being done! Have you guys ever had that feeling? Don'tcha hate it? I know I do. Bah.

[color=lightgreen]More games!? NOOOOOO![/color]
I met up with a friend of mine a while ago and he gave me some games that he ordered for me online. Well, I shouldn't use the term games. Technically speaking, they're called Visual Novels. Some interesting ones too:

  • Animamundi: Dark Alchemist
  • Hourglass of Summer
  • Adam: The Double Factor

And, naturally, I have no time to touch them since I have 30 other games I need to finish first... and 15 Anime on my To Watch List... ugh.
Did I mention that I'm at the 142 Hour mark in Final Fantasy XII and still have no airship of my own? And still at the beginning of Disc 2 of Legend of Dragoon (haven't touched that game since November)?... Crikey @_@

[color=lightblue]Home School is fun! :D[/color]
I decided back in November that I wanted to get back into the whole education bit and take another crack at school. I finished my BA back in June (keep forgetting to fill out those papers so that I can get my Diploma... stupid papers), and I feel like doing more. I want to get into Art, but you need an uber-portfolio before they'll even consider you. I could show them my drawings and signatures I suppose, but deep down I know that wouldn't be enough. So, I did the next best thing: registered with one of those At Home Schools (you know, those tiny inserts that fall out of magazines with those different stamps on them, and they ask you to choose one and send it in for more info? Yea, those ones). I got my Course Material back in late November, but I haven't really gotten that deep into it yet. Did the written exam; that was easy. The next 2 require drawing... and I haven't found time to read what I have to do yet. I'll probably get around to that this weekend... especially since they sent me a letter saying that they haven't heard from me in a while. Ooops. :P

[color=pink]Spring cleaning... in January!? O_o[/color]
Well, I've been feeling sluggish, so I chose to clean ye ol' pipes early. Why put off what you can do in Spring when you can do it in Winter... or some such thing :P Anyhoo, I bought one of those herbal detox kits from the pharmacy. The program was for 15 days... I stopped after 4. The stuff wasn't sitting too well with me; in fact one of the components (either the pills or that tonic stuff) made my heart beat a little fast, so I wasn't having any of that. I'm feeling better now, and I'm still going to clean out my system, only I'll do it the ol' fashion way: with All Bran. Lots and lots of All Bran. Mmmm, fibre-licious! XD

Well, that's all the ranting I'm gonna do today. Now if you'll excuse me, nature calls... and she ain't waitin' (don't... think... I can... make it... NOOOOOOOO!)

Toodles! :D