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Year of Self-Betterment: Final Thoughts

Hello my lil' New Year's Babies of Bouncing Bliss!

As 2006 comes crashin' in like a baby doin' a nose dive from the Stork's protective beak, it's time to look back upon 2005 and wonder... where the hell did it go!? O_o'  Felt like only yesterday that it was January 2005... now we're in December O_O' Oy! @_@.  Anyhoo, I'd like to know what your best moments of 2005 were.  How did you think this year differ from last year?  (remember, the theme for this year was to improve yourself in one form or another :P ).Yep, that's your homework for today... while I think of an appropriate title for next year <_<'

I think that overall, my year of self-betterment went ok.  I think I matured somewhat, and... O_o oy! What are you laughin' at!? I did mature, you fart-face you! O_O <_<' *ahem*... yes, I'm the personification of maturity (hee, hee, hee! I said fart-face!) :P  The direction to my future is a bit clearer now, and my plot for domination is slowly growin' into something tangible.  So it all comes down to gettin' things done! w00t! XD

This year in gaming has been pretty eventful, full of ups (kick starting the next gen. yays!) and downs (oops! I spilt my Hot Coffee all over Congress! My bad!).  And while confuzzled parents are wonderin' what the fuss is concerning children and their obsession with a highly caffeinated morning beverage, I hope that next year will be a greater year for gaming; when the next gen competition begins to heat up, when controversy like Hot Coffee can be avoided with better diligence on the part of the ESRB, that the public will come to their senses and realize that all gamers are not blood-thirsty, heartless killing machines, and that more folks begin to discover and enjoy that lil' passtime that brought us all to this website in the first place.

Thanks to all of you for reading my blog this year: both those who leave comments and those who read and run away afraid that I will hurl this water balloon upside their head.  It's folks like you who make me wanna rant this crazy stuff in the first place. :P

God bless you and yours!  This is Sonji signing off for 2005!  And remember: DP loves you all!

Cheers! :D *does belly flop in champagne* ^__^