I was gonna get the ps4 and xbox one but thanks microsoft for screwing me over.
Dark_man123 Blog
Has anyone ever wondered whats out there?
by Dark_man123 on Comments
With all the conspiracy and stuff about UFO, alien experiments at Area 51 and people being up-ducted by aliens, do any of you guys feel that we are the only species capable of intelligent life? Scientist are discovering news planets with conditions that could be suitable for life and who know there could probably have life that evolved in a much different environmentthan our own which might not be suitable for us but more than
My personally Opinion about it is I Honestly feel it would be really weird and disappointed to know that we are the only known life form capable of intelligent life with universe being so big and massive. I feel that there will be a point where what we called Science fiction will be known as Science fact, i might not be in our time but some time in the distant future i feel that either we are going to make a break through in technology and travel the stars in hopes of discovering or that life is going to find us.
Post your thoughs and tell me what you think :D
i dont really thing the site should've been updated again
by Dark_man123 on Comments
Can someone tell me what was wrong with the last one, why fix something when it's not broke? let me here your opinions.:D
Sorry for not being here for a month.
by Dark_man123 on Comments
I made a sign and some tags.
by Dark_man123 on Comments
What do you guys think of them? I'm really new to photoshop, just got it yesterday so not i'm as good as some people, after reading some tutorials I made these.
Is anyone getting this problem too?
by Dark_man123 on Comments
I'm at level 00 and have no more messages. what is up with that? I mean I have been through this problem before but not with the messages being deleted. Any help?
To My Parents
by Dark_man123 on Comments
to thank the lord above
for blessing me with a lifetime
of your tenderhearted love
I thanked God for the caring
you've shown me through the years,
For the closeness we've enjoyed
in times of laughter and of tears.
And so, I thank you from the heart
for all you've done for me,
and I bless the Lord for giving me
the best parents there could be.
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