Sorry didn't blog for a while, I was away for an FFVII session! :P
OK I said this once and I'll say it again, Final Fantasy VII is the best RPG game EVER! the compilation of FFVII was the best idea square could come up with. If you want to kill a week do an FFVII session like me!
This is how it works, You first watch Last Order Final Fantasy VII, its in japanese with subtitles, Crisis Core would be a lot better to start with but for now its Last Order.
Then play the original masterpiece, Final Fantasy VII! If you haven't played this greatness then you missed something. But you still might like it if you forget about the out dated graphics, I mean to be honest I first played this game last year, 10 years after its release and I still love it! Oh and try to get Yuffie and Vincent before finishing the game!
Next up watch Final Fantasy VII Advent Children. The best game to movie adaptation ever! (No this is nothing like what happened with Street Fighter or Super Mario Bros, or the other Final Fantasy movie, which I forgot what it was called.....something to do with Destiny...who cares it was trash!, this movie is actually good!)
Now finally finish it off with Dirge of Cerberus Final Fantasy VII. Now this is where it gets complicated, if you like Halo or Gear of War you might not like this game very much, but if you do as I do and make an FFVII session you will love it! for the story at least.
And that was my FFVII session! if you ever want to kill a week I strongly suggest you do this!
Man! now am considering getting a PSP for Crisis Core! and also hope they make that FFVII remake!
Anyways am off to do a Metal Gear Solid session and a Jak session. Until next time, signing off! ;)
oh and social advice time!
advice: Do a FFVII session!
DSX tip: read above :P