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Its time for some random blogging!!

Yes the random blog disease strock everyone and it would have been a matter of time before it got to me as well, oh yeah 8)

life updates

- I need new shoes, nice sleek runners and pure black, a long coat, not those leather ones punks wear, the really cool bussiness cotton type, new jeans, not those horrible tite ones you find in C&A, they have to be a little baggy, it would make me look a lot more NORMAL, and finaly I need to lots of underpants cuz I forgot to bring some when I traveled back to germany for holidays. So if anyone has the cash for it, I wouldn't say no ;)

My MP3 player broke, and it was soooo nice too! then again I think its my fault for throwing it every where, woops :PBTW why does everybody like iPod? its terrible! sure it looks great but iTunes is a pain in the nuts! what happened to good old simply drag music in or out? the nanos are expensive for their quality and they are ultra vunerable, I will never buy an iPod and if I ever get one for a present I'll sell it! its that horrible and I hate it!

game update

- My Wii mote is out of battery, need new rounds :x

- Am still trying to get the internet on my Wii to work, about Wi-fi games, do they only work with wireless or can it also work with cabled LAN?

- 5 reviews up:

- Metroid Prime 3 Corruption: The final chapter of the prime trilogy is upon us, and its a blast!

- Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence: Best MGS package, I plea you all to get it!

- Jak and Daxter/ Jak II/ Jak 3: Awesome platformer trilogy, with lots of funny moments, getting funnier with each game after!

and can I ask, please, pretty please, pretty pretty prettty please, please :( can you give the thumbs up or down? remember, you don't HAVE to read them. It would mean a lot, thanks!