Alright! Operation Cake Eater was a complete FAILIURE!!!!:x only around 5 fireworks responded to the ignitor, the rest were a dud! So we had to commence plan B, which was to go to the city and get wasted! 8) We completely forgot about the fireworks!
(ssshhhh don't say a word or were going to have to go back to clean up the mess! ;) )
Well since I have nothing else to say I shall share my wisdom with you, so how about a social advice? I shall blog social advices just for the fun of it.
Advice #1: In forumes or chat threads, Everytime a person comments about a woman's photo,claiming their breast is fake, it must be a woman/girl, because unless ur gay no man on the planet will ever complain about breast being fake or not. If their big their big. 8)
Thats that, see ya next time!, I should really come up with an ending phrase!