.............am....about...to pea on my pants.......seriously this is uber exciting for me if you read my last blog then you know EXACTLY why, thats right.......the ps3.... phew.....OK, lets go through the preps before taking off.
Money that can cover any possible bundle...check
Bus money..check
PSN connectivity preps....check (But I do hope its tru and that its for free)
Pants, T-shirt, underwear, pullover, socks, shoes...check
OK hopefully am not missing anything....good
I'll see ya all later with my brand new PS3! and I'll be sure to add you all once I figure out how the newtrok things work (its embaracing but I never played online before, yep am an online newbie....how sad), anyways until next time on my next blog "My PS3 impression"
Well, am going so see yaz laterz! Until next time everybody!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D