After playing a couple of old games I thought which ones deserve to resurface for the next generation? Which one absolutely MUST get a remake!
Well here is what I thought....err, actually, its more like top 8, sorry, couldn't think of last 2, feel free to fill it in. OK Now...
The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (N64): Dubbed the game of history! I don't know how many times I had to play Ocarina of Time before it started to feel old (Actually I still occasionally play it) Sure we have seen Twilight Princess but come on, turning to a wolf can't possibility beat time travel and innovative game play! The remake has to be a bigger (and I mean BIGGER) version of the game, with awesome graphics and also make the boss battles hard core (it wouldn't hurt to have small mini-games like in God of War, imagine that! That would be AEWSOME!)
Metal Gear 1&2 (MSX/NES) You all probably saw that prank with the next gen remake of MGS1, well I though wouldn't it be much better to bring back the first 2 MG games, since those games actually had the most interesting story, imagine Snake vs Big Boss in full 3D next gen-graphics! That would be sick! Or how about having both games in one! I mean that would also be great.
Final Fantasy VII (PS1) Now we have all seen that teaser trailer from 2006 and most think that will never happen, but still it wouldn't hurt to dream? I mean that was the only game that was close to beating Ocarina of Time and need I say it's the best FF game in the franchise and of all time? Now imagine the remake being the entire compilation in one game (That's right story from Crisis Core till Dirge of Cerberus!) but with no change in game play, keep it turn based all the way! how sick could that be?!
Chrono Trigger (SNES) The legendary Chrono Trigger (Or what I used to call the DBZ RPG) that only lurks in our memories (And Wii VC) Its only appropriate that this RPG would deserve a remake in full 3D for next gen (Which platform am not sure, but it should definitely come back!)
Megaman X1-X6 (SNES/PS1) Yes I know the series went on a little disaster but who says it doesn't deserve a second chance? I played Maverick Hunter X (X1 remake) and it was good! (REALLY GOOD) So I though where the hell is X2? Sheez, there are times when I think Capcom doesn't deserve Megaman, but what am certain of is that the first 6 games would be welcome to resurface (X7 may need a huge work out but it's a PS2 game so can't really count it in, besides its broken beyond repair)
Super Metroid (SNES) The sexy bounty hunter's mission on the SNES was something I just couldn't forget! awesome bosses, exploring was so much fun and the speed running I made for that space bikini just made me realize how geeky I am! And I wanna do it again! I know the Prime series is over but wouldn't it be awesome to go back to Zebes in First-Person? And also fight Kraid! (I always wanted to fight Kraid in 3D!)
Resident Evil 1-3 (PS1) Sure there was a remake of RE1 for the Gamecube and there was Umbrella Chronicles, but come on, that's not what we wanted, was it? Imagine the first 3 games with the same game play as RE4? I mean that's what I though Umbrella Chronicles was going to be but I guess Capcom blew it. Please! Do it again and do it right!
Donkey Kong Country Trilogy (SNES) You guys know DK? You know the big ape that's been reduced to a marketing pawn for the stupid bongos? Well he wasn't always like that, back in the SNES days (Where there were no bongos!) DK and co had the best adventure EVER! Resurfacing for the Wii in full 3D side scroller like DK Jungle Beat (But with normal controllers, not bongos) would befit DK the most, and why not? If Nintendo wants to use DK to make money why don't they do that instead? Arg! Capitalists! can't understand them at all.
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Thats that! C yaz laterz!