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Edited By Darkcloud_San

@TroyTrojanGamer lets talk about reash COD biggest fing reash there is but yet i bet you call that a hardcore game right and cheap is not the factor and you know that you tard. name me one ps3 exlucsive that sold more that any nintendo exclusive so stfu and next you talk so much ish about your ps3 or xbox but of the 50mil that own those P/S's have you every sold a game that your so called hardcore fan base has when out and bought what killzone lol not if 5% of the ps3 market picked that ish up and COD is not an exclusive b##@$ so that doesnt count and it still didnt beat mario kart so kids and women have wiis right and not hardcore gamersright the 12mill SSBB owners are moms and kids right but wait you dont even have a hardcore game that sold anywhere close to that right wait Drake only sold 3.8 mil copies right wait your going to say killzone 1,2 & 3 right well i hate to brake it to you they never bro 2 mil units sold LMAO and just if your a xbox fan Gears of war 2 sold 1.2 wtf thats not even 3% of the 50mil xbox owners and halo reach 3.3 mil halo 3 sold more than that so please STFU and comeback when your did your homework

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Edited By Darkcloud_San

but cont.. is a hardcore gamer a fighter SF4, MK & tekken yes in a way there are more fighters than fps players look it up next is it a RPG person yes it is these games have more players that fps and sport fans alone also name me one game you could put in more hrs into on a pokemon game or RPG please tell me NONE SO wtf hardcore fans are you fools talking about that nintendo is trying to get back you mean the 50mil that own a ps3 for a Bluray player and that dont even go out and buy these so called hardCore games yeah every exclusive for sony has not beat one nintendo game of the 50mil hardcore gamers all of them have a wii and dont go out and buy the so hyped PS3 or xbox hype. so again the 80mill wii owners are the hardcore gamers even grandma that plays that ish is more hardcore that you PFS every COD,killzone,socom, Gears of war are the same map milk addon where you live for only 5sec and on a small A$$ map and you play this all day and call your self a hardcore gamer GTFO grarphics dont sell and as for ps4 and new xbox ask your self this if your getting PC titles on your home console where do you think your going next not PC or close to it the same place you are now just more expensive 800 buck sony hardware with a polished PSN with more texture mapping GPU's and bigger harddrive so yeah wait for the next xbox and ps4 reall be jump you think that ps4 will be as good as a PC lol im out

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Edited By Darkcloud_San

MAN reading these post make me think to my self this is why nintendo of america cant stand westerners hance why the keep sick games in japan only do some of you hear your self' This is bad buisness for nintendo the w2 could be come a dreamcast are you f'fing kidding me really you must be the name nintendo sales even if they didnt add graphics or did a wii mote and this company with little 3rd party ended up have more games that xbox and sony. nintendo has show you all over and over again that they are the only company in the world that ONLY makes games can keep a franciese going look how manytimes sony has failed in this along with xbox. name me one francshices character from those to companys that are still kicking and can continue what God of war dead sales prove that and drake UTF. this is that last one then what nothing the fact that nintendo changes something and the others follow and push so hard and copy shows you somthing and last thing if graphics were the salling point why are there so many DS/wii owers in the world better yet the so called baby sitting tool sony CEO states has more 20+ owners than the PSP funny there are more adults that have a DS/3DS over a psp damn. oh and last thing please tell me somthing what is a hardcore gamer, a hardcore gamer a FPS gamer no its not is it a Sport fan NO sport gamers know this the sport games last only a month then they trade it in i cant be lying im a manger at game stop and i see it buy it for 59 and trade it for 25 wtf

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Edited By Darkcloud_San

@mariokart64fan yeah RE4 port was Horrible i saw watch videos of had friends show me and all i have to say is never in my life would i play it on a phone with no buttons and ripped down graphics really man you tell me that you can sit there and play a game like that on you no you mariokart64fan just saying a phone with no buttons and the iphone 4 battary life for gaming is WOW lets not even go there makes the 3ds feel like a DSI lmao and i know what im talking about i have friends and family with the iphone 4 or a 4th gen ipod LMAO talk crap about the 3ds huh please

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Edited By Darkcloud_San

Hmm how stupid would it feel to do multi touch on a 3DS and if you are so smart which seems your not everyone knows that resistive touch screen is 10 times more accurate. As for trading in your 3DS that's stupid as hell you spend 250 on something and then trade it in and got not even 100 bucks back for if you didn't want it why get it me on the other hand will never trade anything in but w/e on that the think about wisdom05 makes sense cap.. Touch multitouch screens on a dual screen DS device right. The bottom screen isnt even more that 3in and he's retarded right? As for my PC being overpriced that's not just my tower alone that's my whole system my 6 24in monitors running in x finite with my 3x 6990s and other things :D. Oh I will be getting a NGP as well and I can't wait im a gamer everyone i have everygaming system and will continue to get them all because i like them but i will never get anything Apple you couldn't pay me or give me a job there ether. Apple only has one thing going for them which will die soon and that's the cheap games because of the NGP and the 3ds's online stores just watch

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Edited By Darkcloud_San

U know what F it you F'ing fanboys GIVE ME PTSD when i hear or see the word apple. you know what let apple be the only Freaking Cell phone the only gaming device let nintendo, sony and Microsoft die. right because the iphone is the S^#& right the best damn gaming/cell phone in the world right no F'ing choice for anything else but apple because the DS Series with bad graphics out sells iphones/ipads/ipods & sony PS3 and XBOX 360 Combined right. you hear that everyone dont buy anything but apple. I mean your suction cup virtual joy stick changes the world right? buttons and tactical feedback are a thing of the past right. Game developers will always sell their hardworking games for $10 right? i should go toss my PS3,Xbox 360,Nes,SNES,N64,PSP and my whole GB/DS series and my Asus G53JW laptop and 8K desktop away and get a iphone and ipad because apple just does everything and give me a sense of real gaming right. F@#$ APPLE!!! wait i got somthing for you lets see apple gamers do this up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A select, start F@#$ing Never, take you 2hr battery gaming iphone and shove it. SRY Gamespot for losing it

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Edited By Darkcloud_San

[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]

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Edited By Darkcloud_San

@Yondaro What are you talking about Nintendo like ever freaking doctor in the world tells you side effects and other things that can happen doesn’t mean its going to happen but they tell you it anyways because if you do get f’ed up they can say i told you so . Did you know that a side effect of using hydrocortisone can give you cancer yet you use this but nothing happens to you right? and where did you read anything about 3D movies and kids vision or are you going off ish you did now let’s say you continue to take your kid to watch 3d movies and something happens then what. You taking a 3 yr. old to a 3D movie is bad parenting. i have 2 kids that are under 6 and i wouldn’t take my kids to see a 3d movie are you freaking kidding me and what 3 yr. old tells you what’s wrong with them if they aren’t feeling good? also Reggie explained that the 3DS is a personal experience with the 3D but that’s not the only thing the 3DS has it also has great graphics man you know what F it when apple releases there 3D version of there iPhone and iPod without glasses i want to see what the F@#$ you’ll tell me then because glasses less 3D will always be a 1 to 1 experience so STFU man

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Edited By Darkcloud_San

but really i have a 3DS and the 3D is not a problem for me not even when i started using it for the first time if you use the 3DS in an angle there’s something wrong and the 3D is the only thing the 3DS has there’s tons more features so stop was the 3D as an argument give me some better reasons and last thing this thing with the iPhone 5 and ipad 2 with the A5 processor having battery graphics i guess apple hasn’t learned from Sony’s mistake but yeah apple will win right? My ass we shall see.

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Edited By Darkcloud_San

@BubbenMan & @Gothic-360 I agree with you on this yeah Nintendo made about 4 DS devices but none that will cost you an arm and a leg just to stay up to date because apple will hold back on tech just so that you will buy the next device they don’t love their customers just how stupid their customers are that will just eat up everything apple makes or says just listen to the apple commercials they never tell you about the device just how beautiful it is never tell you the specs just how fast it is and what kind of material the device is made out of with fancy words. And just how innovative is apple now their working on a 3D iPhone and iPod “Oh yeah that’s right. That tech is not going to be in the iPhone 5 or the next iPod touch so that’s another device to buy within a year cant you say Milking you” Copying Nintendo out the ass then try to toss a patent on it WTF right? a patent on 3D when Nintendo had the rights to 3D tech 16yrs ago really not how much of a Bi@#$ is apple to try that and why Reggie was asked why not patent 3ds tech and 3d with no glasses you know what he said why we learn from each other and that’s where real innovation comes from.

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