@Gravity_Slave Consoles are forever playing catch up. I have a primary PC I use for work, gaming, production, surfing and entertainment using 2 42 inch 3D LED's. The computer I built for $600 two years ago is still above the next gens soon to be released.
My other PC I converted to a server which I use to run multiple servers for Minecraft, Halo, CoD:Ghost, BF4, Cubeworld, etc..
As for developers, games are developed on a workstation PC and ported through codecs to the platform of choice. The reason why are opting out of PC is because of the distributive costs. To get it on PC requires very little work.
Console gamers are strong because its a large population who know little to nothing in a technical sense. This is okay seeing as I already have a 360 emulator and since the Xbox One uses x86 architecture, PC's will have an immediate Emulator at our disposal (The ISO's are very easy with x86 linkfeed hierarchy on the games themselves).
PC gamers are still superior, we make the games, we will still get all our games and then some.
@EL_Bomberdor It's called a 360 emulator. Decompile to ISO and you can play it on PC.
I'm waiting for the Xbox One though. Since it uses x86 architecture, you can expect the first "Official" quick and easy emulator to be released. (ISO's "ROMs" from the games are easy to do regardless)
Gone are the days of dealing with the few games that are console only. This stands to define why "PC Master Race" is claimed by many.
@dannyodwyer @Darkconclusion The range they were using of the last 10 years determines it was important. I just found it pathetic that they tucked tail and followed Rockstar out of the room with their hands on its wallet.
Not sure how this is top news when Gamestops self proclaimed important 20 day bracket for best game series announced a winner and won't display it as front page news.
Anyone else notice that the Game of the Decade Gamespot hosted isn't on the front page? Rockstar paid them off for promotion which includes the poll and it backfired.
@chayhandsome @MigzBR I can build one that trumps a PS3/360 for about $375 now. My third PC I use to run servers for my nephew cost $800 to build and it can run circles around a Xbox One and PS4.
Add to that, the nex gens use x86 architecture so emulators will be quick and we can play Xbox One games on the PC, PC port or not.
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