Have you heard Soul caliber legends is coming out for the wii know I am so happy This makes up for soul caliber 3 just coming out for ps2 but Its not a fighting game its a third person action adventure game (i.e. Legend of Zelda) same characters just different style of genre I personly cant wait due to release this year now if SSBB comes out this will be the best year for the wii
Darkdragonsword's forum posts
Does any one in this world know the exact what the date of SSBB and SMG's release date because I am hearing like fifty different dates and its pissing me off so please give me the date you know of
You know I love seeing these messages there great you'll think its not worth it then When an incredable game comes out that only comes out for the wii and you start complaining I have to buy it again and i sit back and laugh at your dumbass and you either A cant afford the system or B still cant find them so keep it stop complaining and wait
Whats going on people hows going to see the aqua teen hungerforce movie dont spoil it if youve already seen it but if you have tell us all was and is it a must see or a pass
If your like me you are addicted to Zelda (meaning played every zelda beat every zelda and still need more) so I was siked when I heard of the Two Zelda movies; The legend of Zelda:Hero of time; Which is being made by zelda fans like you and me and paid for by zelda fans basic summury is Ocarina of time on the big screen with David Blane as Ganon and some body I have never heard of as Link but it as all movies do doesnt have some parts left of instead of link starting as a child he starts as adult link which is alright its not all ocarina of time but its still good thats supposed to come out this year. Then there is hollywoods version of Zelda which is very very weird because it doesn't star link or Zelda instead it stars Gustalf which if you played The minish cap you would know he is the first one to use the picori blade(Master sword in minish cap) but you do get ganon so yah. My question is are you going to watch them both and how do you feel about both of em I'm going to go see them give me some feed back.
I now that EA is finally seeing that the wii is no joke so do you think they will bring the burnout series to the wii they already have need for speed (Although they do need to fix the controlls) and Madden so what do you think Do you want a burnout fix on your wii
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