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DarkerSneasel Blog

My days on here are coming to an end

My frustration with Gamespot has increased over the past month or two when because of how it does not work on my internet, plus the fact that I'm only coming here for one forum. I think I'm going to call it quits from gamespot because reloading a page 6 times and getting the same result of a page showing up only halfway is just getting ridiculous and I'm getting really tired of it. It's not worth it for the one forum that I go to and I'm sorry to them since I've been somewhat a frequent poster.

With all sincerity

Today is a new day. Today is a new Semester

Today I wake up early to get ready for my first day of the college semester. I've been getting ahead on my reading for the class and am about half way done with the book that I am supposed to have read I guess by the end of the class. So I'm kind of happy with how things are going. Hopefully my composition class will be as much of a joke as my last composition class and that I can pass with at least a B+. Then two weeks from now I will have my Calculus class which shall be fun. Three more of those courses and differential equations class and I'll be done for the time being. However, I'll most likely pursue more math and Chemistry courses in the meantime. All I can say is that I'm kind of nervous about the rest of my college career, but I know that I will most likely do well. So wish me luck.


English reading when I don't have to.

I got my Book for English today and my class doesn't start until next Monday. But I've decided to get ahead on my reading and read one chapter of the book already. I'll probably read a lot more of it tomorrow so that I won't have to worry about reading it during the semester to come.

Research Paper Rough Draft and Research for my Final Speech

So far I haven't written down anything for my essay right now. I plan on to soon though, I have my topic picked out and all that nice gunk. The same applies for my Speech, except I am probably just going to ripoff my English essay when I am writing my speech because I don't want to present another topic.

Stupid Research Paper and College

Yesterday I was informed on my research paper's outline which was due today. I worked my ass off and yet didn't get it completed at all. Which sucks. I hope my teacher doesn't mark me down on my essay at all for my lacking outline.

And now I'm pissed at the college because they said I wasn't a resident, even though I lived here for more than 6 months and have a state license.

Speech / Current Game I'm playing

I have to write a stinking commemorative speech. It's probably going to suck, but I just need to pass this class so that I don't have to take it again.

My game that I'm playing right now is Madden 10. Suck at it, but am trying to get better.