well in my previous post I mentioned Internet in my country (Iran) sux, in additional information I will tell you just WHY?!
it's about a month that homeusers are restricted to use only 128kbps of internet speed, and its not just that!! Dr. M. Soleymani, Minister of Information Technology of Iran, mentioned to press that in our research homeusers usually don't need more than 128kbps of speed!!!! WTF?!?! and becuz everything in this country runs by the government and usually you cannot have any objection or compliment about anything they restricted us to only 128kbps!! while I myself had 512kbps which is totally BS for you guys to even think about a same situation! I now have 128kbps, with same old FILTERING system that restricts everyone to explore the internet and same bloody PING which really sux!! as I mentioned before.. and we left we no hope here... I dunno how the start this research but in Tehran where I live and have many friends. we all using DSL or Wireless access at high prices and I know my friends and their friend and their friends using above 256Kbps, and in some polls in my own blog and some websites there was only 1 person out of 100 ppl which is equalls 1% using less than 256kbps. I dunno when these ppl trying to wake up!! I hope sooooon enough...
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