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Crysis -insert curse here-ed Up On Me! [Spoilers]

So I was looking for a game about a month ago that could hold me until finals and my friends all suggested Crysis. They were getting Crysis 2 and wanted me addicted...well they sure had it wrong in the end. I got addicted to crysis after the first few levels, even though I fell through the floor 10 times in a row, because it had an amazing concept and storyline! So I'm sitting there enjoying the game, getting excited, addicted, etc. and finally reach the last level where you're beating aliens off the aircraft carrier...that's when the fun started.... It started crashing every 5-10 minutes of gameplay, I had no idea what the hell was going on. Every time it crashed I was forced to manually delete various save files and hope I got the one that was corrupted, then restart from an earlier save. I was addicted to the storyline, I wanted to see how the game ended, but every 5 seconds it would just crash on me! Eventually I found out how to minimize the crash and managed to play it for about 30 minutes before it hit another crash...thankfully I was able to beat the rest of the game in that time frame so I didn't have anything to worry about. But still it's one of those situations where you can tell the concept team did a beautiful job...and shoddy programming ruined everything!!! I mean EVERYTHING!!! If you have that many bugs in a release, just release it for the console...don't give us PC gamers false hopes of playing it damn't!