Darkjak95 Blog
Its not human
by Darkjak95 on Comments
E3 did it again
by Darkjak95 on Comments
E3 c ame around once again to pack a punch on the gaming buisness. new WII, PS3, Xbox 360 and DS games comming out, i just wanna focus on the DS ones
GTA DS woa, didnt see that coming. this is great! everyones favorite street crime game is hitting nintendos portable.
Guitar hero on tour:decades not sure exactly but seems like a great addition to the Guitar hero franchise
im bak from Vegas
by Darkjak95 on Comments
well i left 2 days after school was done and i went to Vegas before i left i had to pick up GH on tour, in my opinion it was worth it. so anyway i go to stay at the Excalibur . Eh.. it was an ok hotel but i wouldve preffered the LUXOR. so what i did in Vegas was catch a Lance Burton show (that guy is mad good at magic oh my god,) i went around to most of the casinos and ate some really good buffets, my favorite was the Rio. and to finish my trip i went to the Criss Angel store at the Luxor to get somethings. i bought 2 necklaces for a total of 50 DOLLARS!!!!! the thing is they are really nice, pure metal and chain.:)
i never wanted to leave it was so much fun. well here i am
noo i was not dead
by Darkjak95 on Comments
A Rock Revolution
by Darkjak95 on Comments
I'm here to take note in the revolution Guitar Hero
1.Guitar hero on tour - The ever so popular Guitar hero franchise is hitting the nintendo DS this June. this will open a door for Rock & Roll on the go!
2.Guitar hero world tour - Also Known As Guitar Hero 4 this game will have a new guitar controller, singing (microphone) and the drum set. You can create your own songs,characters and guitars, what more can you ask for now you can pound on the drums like Travis Barker. Sing like Steve Tyler or Rock out like Mick Jagger
GH 4 official site www.guitarhero.com
GH on tour official site www.guitarheroontour.com
WHY? Why me?!
by Darkjak95 on Comments
Guitar Hero is B-R-O-K-E-N !!!!!:cry:!!!!!My guitar buttons arent working and I recently bought 3 WII games. 1.MLB 2K8 2. Mario and sonic at the olympics and 3.mario kart.Now I dont have enough $$ to buy a new guitar until mid - June
today on 5-25-08 I got a new guitar.its worse than my original broken one.the green button activates the blue button,the blue button activates the orange button. To top it all off the whammy bar completeley replaces the strum bar. I have a new conclusion: It's just me
IM sick and tired of it !!!!!!!!!!!
by Darkjak95 on Comments
Im through with it. the online hackers for metroid prime hunters. as of today im only facing freinds online. anyone wanna play? here are my fc's not only for metroid but all WIFI NDS games.
Mario kart FC:171915200737
MPH FC:047368645804
LOZ PH FC:09460790677
Madden 08:515512763876
all right PM me if you wanna play and also PM me your FC so i can add you.
The Legend Of Zelda.......... THE MOVIE!!!!!!!!
by Darkjak95 on Comments
My Friend told me and i didn't beleive him. so i wnt on IGN and saw the trailer. (Copy and paste into adress bar on top of the screen)
actually i just went on ign.com 2day on 4-6-08 and it was a fake.it said be an april fool all over again. LOL i feel so stupid
WWE Wrestle Mania Results
by Darkjak95 on Comments
Me being a fan of WWE saw wrestle mania at my freinds house.4 hours of non-stop action
Here Are The Results
Floyd "Money" Mayweather K.O.'d Big Show tanks to some brass knucles.
Randy Orton is still Champ * More like chump*
Beth Pheonix and Melina won
Undertaker went 15-1 *JK* he went 16-0 but Edge put up quite a fight
C.M. Punk is $ in the bank
Finlay lost.and got beat up pretty bad.
Kane is new ECW champ. that match was like 12 sec. no joke.
Batista won and batista bombed Umaga
HBK put an end to flair's carreer. Long live the nature boy!
Well thats it.i posted this for anyone who happened to miss WM24.
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