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Summer's Coming to an End: The Last Two Weeks:

Hey everyone. Well it's been awhile so I thought I would post again, in another overdue blog to communicate with the lovely correspondents of Gamespot. :P The last blog I posted wasn't exactly the happiest blog so I'm hoping, and working on making sure that this entry will be on a lighter and a much happier note. :) Summer is coming to an end, so here I go with my entry of a few things have been happening recently, as well as developments for the last two weeks of summer:

School: While this is a predictable and expected occurence for most people on this site, simply, school is starting soon. It's starting on the 24th so that will be the event that will end the relaxing course of this summer. While it will be the end of this summer, this year will also be the end of my high school education as I will be a senior. It's interesting to think about, but more or less really exciting. I'm looking forward to college and I'm really working at pursueing a promising eduacation for the future. I unfortunately do not know my schedule yet for this year, but I will let you know them soon. I'm expecting to be quite busy this year, but we'll see what happens. Speaking of which, I happened to actually read two novels in preparation for my AP English Literature class. I have one more that I will be reading, but the two that I have read are actually some of my favorite books that I've happened to read. They are The Story of Edgar Sawtelle and My Sister's Keeper. While the latter novel has been made into a movie, I haven't actually viewed it yet but I'm looking forward to watching it sometime. Both of these books are excellent novels that I recommnend to anyone, depending on the type of genres or if you even enjoy reading, but they came to my surprise and liking unexpectedly so I'm really happy I was able to read these stories. Both of them are actually worthy of being listed as the best books I've read, and I'm not ashamed to admit that noth of these novels have made me shed a number of tears.

Edgar Sawtelle My Sister's Keeper

Teenage Life: Other than preparation for school, I've been trying to spend my time with my friends as much as possible before school starts again. With that, I've been out and about doing normal things that a teenage (homosexual) male enjoys doing: shopping, talking at the park, night overs at friends house, and doing my best to keep my self happy. I wrote in my last entry that I am now single after a year. The pain is still present, but I'm coping with it more and more every day and just living life as much as I can. I'm considering dating other guys but I'm still on the fence about that. I'm not over my ex, and it wouldn't be appropriate to be involved with other people if he is on my mind I think, but time heals things and I think that it'll be fine eventually. I'm finally at apoint where I'm able to accept the fact that I think other guys are cute, and I can look at them without feeling as guilty about it. I think it's a good indication that I'm starting to heal from all of the heart ache. In relation to what I wrote in my last blog as well, I was lucky and fortunate enough to finally get the job I applied for! So yeah, I'm finally an employee at the coffee chain in Salt Lake City, Beans and Brews. :) I'm happy to be an employee and I'm starting work there this weekend. I love the environment of coffee shops so it's something I'm really looking forward to. Wish me luck!

beans and brews

Gaming Related: In terms of gaming, honestly things have been rather shallow. I haven't played anything much at all, including starting Resident Evil (GCN), but I'm hoping to do that soon. With a lot of thinking, I'm actually thinking and planning on creating a compilation of games that I want on the older Game Boy platform. From the Game Boy to the Game Boy Advance, there will be many games that will have to add to the list and plan on purchasing, but I think it will be worth it in the end. How is it not worth it to not play a credible and exciting game? I'd have to purchase a Game Boy of course, but it will be fine doing that. I think I'd purchase a Game Boy Advance SP, the newer one with the brighter screen. I've owned the the past model before and I enjoyed it. I think that the Micro wouldn't do to well with the smaller screen anyway, despite the fact that they're incredibly cute. Other than that, I'm thinking of writing some reviews again. I've had a number of people who enjoyed my reviews on my past account and I enjoyed writing them, so that's something I may take up again. It has been probably two years since I've actually written a gaming review though, so we'll see how it goes. I'm hoping that my writing skills have improved since then. Of course, I really doubt that they're to the magnitude of other great reviewers on Gamespot. :P Either way, expression and it's nice knowing that you can be influential in someone's purchase toward a game. :) Well, I think that's everything I've had to say for tonight -- continue having a nice summer.