I need your help guys. Maybe even medical assistance, because this CAN'T be happening to me!
Last year I was buried in piles and piles of homework, school projects and such, so videogames were gradually losing importance in my life, due to the lack of time. I just had time to play little flash games in the internet to distract myself, and turning on my Wii was becoming a task that I didn't have patience to do. I was playing my loved console much less frequently, maybe once a month or even less.
Then, here I am.
I spend more time playing Mafia Wars then any other TRUE game.
Hardcore titles for the Wii such as CoDMW:R and Metroid Prime Trilogy seem less and less interesting, and I get bored when I play them.
Casual games have invaded my life, and I don't like this.
PLEASE help me! What can I do to return to the wonderful world of non-casual games? Is there a way?
Thank you.
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