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Darkrush000 Blog

Houston, I have a problem

I need your help guys. Maybe even medical assistance, because this CAN'T be happening to me!

Last year I was buried in piles and piles of homework, school projects and such, so videogames were gradually losing importance in my life, due to the lack of time. I just had time to play little flash games in the internet to distract myself, and turning on my Wii was becoming a task that I didn't have patience to do. I was playing my loved console much less frequently, maybe once a month or even less.

Then, here I am.

I spend more time playing Mafia Wars then any other TRUE game.

Hardcore titles for the Wii such as CoDMW:R and Metroid Prime Trilogy seem less and less interesting, and I get bored when I play them.

Casual games have invaded my life, and I don't like this.

PLEASE help me! What can I do to return to the wonderful world of non-casual games? Is there a way?

Thank you.

Wii version gets a lower score...Again.

Did you guys see Star Wars: The Force Unleashed review? For all the platforms? Yeah, the PS3 and XBOX 360 versions got a 7.5. And the Wii version, a mere 6.0

It is not the first time that this happens. It happenned with Rock Band and a few other games out there. The third-party companies think that we (who play Wii) are just casual gamers that buy any crappy game they launch`.

I know, I know, videogames are meant to be fun. But with this whole bunch of lame third-party games, we dont have this fun. They just dont give attention to the Wii. Tell me a good third-party game, that fully uses the Wii potential. You will probably say "Zack and Wiki", Resident Evil 4 and No More Heroes. Yeah, I agree, they are all great games. Tell me one more. Nothing comes to your mind? Yeah, it happens with me too.

Mario Kart Wii

Hey there, I got Mario Kart Wii! I spended just a few hours with it, but I am enjoying a lot! The Wii Wheel is very confortable to use... The only thing I am disapointed is the lack of variety. If you are a lonely player, all you can do is race and try to beat your records.

Well, it is a great game. If you didn´t buy it....go to a near store and do it!

My Wii aficionado emblem...vanished

Damn! Where is my Wii aficionado emblem???? I saw it yesterday, but disappeared!

Some people say the your Wii Aficionado emblem can disappear when you add games from other companies to your collection(Xbox, Playstation). The problem is that I HAVEN´T ADD A SINGLE GAME SINCE I GOT THE EMBLEM!!!!!

Sigh. What´s going on here? :cry:


Hey, I would like to know some sites or programs where you can create your own banners ( I would prefer sites or programs where you don´t need to pay...).

Any suggestions will be accepted.

Thanks! :D

Wii aficionado emblem

Yeah!!!! Second emblem!!!!

Wow, two emblems in two days... I think that´s really good. But I also think it will get harder to get more emblems...

Oh, and thanks to all your nice comments from the other blog, my friends!

Black and gray

I have an impression that some games are getting darker, with a lot of black, gray...

Example: Zelda Twilight Princess. Zelda games were always fun, colorful and happy. But the Wii version is much more obscure...

Yeah, I know it´s because of the Twilight, but it´s still too dark. But don´t misunderstand me! This is not a bad thing!

Another example: Metroid Prime Corruption. Metroid games were always dusky, but the Wii version is a little more...

Look at that opaque Power Suit! It´s so strange...

Well, I think it´s only an impression of mine.

The N64

Nintendo 64. I don´t know about you, but this was a console that pierced MY mind and heart. I played games that now I consider them awful, like Bomberman Hero, Tarzan, Kirby Cristal shards...

That console wasn´t revolutionary, nor evolutionary. But it had a unique magid that envolved me.

And that N64 flame isn´t extinct. Even if I wanted to forgot the Nintendo 64, I woudn´t be able to do it.

That´s it. I´m much better now.

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