@shadow6323: I would add that even if it looked or felt dated, who cares? Very few games that have come out in the past few generations would really benefit from a remake. Ps1 games benefit because many of them were designed for controllers without analog and devs didn't really know how to handle 3D games back then cause it was at the forefront. Ps2 games really benefit from remasters cause they were such low resolution and no longer look good on modern TVs cause they loose the smoothing, soft image that CRTs had back in the day.
Even some ps3 games benefit from remasters because of really bad framerate issues on the original hardware. But remaking every game just because it's a few years old is ridiculous.
For instance, there's supposedly an mgs3 remake coming out, I'd support that because the original was very ambitious and I think it could really benefit from a remake on newer hardware. Remaking 1 & 2 would be pointless though because there would be no benefit other than a graphical overhaul.
@Barighm: a reboot would be just as pointless as a remake. They can make a new space-horror game without calling it the same name and confusing everyone like they've done with so many other games, trying to piggy back off of the namesake.
@nelson85: People like you are the reason we don't have as many inspiring new games coming out anymore. Just keep shoveling your not so hard earned money to these comapanies to sell you the same 3 games over and over again.
@daidochus: I can tell you never played the game, probably either of them. Abby likely wouldn't even be in a remake of the original first of all.
Joel was never a saint, and his character was never portrayed in a negative light in the second game, nor was abby shown in a good light. Nothing about the second game contradicts the events of the first game.
Joel killed a large number of people to save Ellie and we all agree it was the right thing to do, but of course it wouldn't have been without consequence and these people were also trying to save humanity so something like this was bound to happen.
Part 2 explores the cycle of revenge between these two characters and how destructive it ends up being. Aside from a couple of nods to woke culture by adding a trans kid and a buff female lead, I don't see the issues here.
@Spartan_418: I don't see how playing it at 4k60 reveals anything we couldn't see before but the grpahics still hold up rather nicely. And even if they didn't who cares? Can you not go back and enjoy a game just because the grpahical fidelity doesn't match what you're playing on your ps5? Do we need to remake all the best games from the previous generation now each time a new system comes out?
@nelson85: RE2 was 3 generations old when it was remade and the returns were higher between generations back then too and the ps1 was at the dawning of 3D gaming to the controls were awkward so it made a lot more sense to remake that than a game like TLOU which will give little benefit other than some grpahical polish.
Darkside2205's comments