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New Super Mario Bros. + Mothers Day

So I recently got New Super Mario Bros. or the DS, and it's a great game. It doesn't really use the touchscreen well, but i'm still having fun playing it. The graphics are pretty good, I hadn't played the DS much and didn't realise that it was capable of good 3D-ish graphics. I reccomend it to anyone with a DS.

Also, today is mothers day... and i'm disgusted with you all. Mothers Day has become so commercialized it's not funny. Mothers Day isn't about presents and doing something nice for your mum. It's about Jesus, and somewhere along the way I think we forgot that... In otherwords, I didn't get her anything... I sorta... completly forgot.

BTW, I hit level 2 today and got a new Emblem for submitting links. Huzzah!

I love free things.

I love money.

But most of all I love my mummy. :cry: (lololololol I fail...)