For those of you that don't already know, Cloud Strife has been announced for Brawl. Yet another non-Nintendo character has entered the ring!
And yes, i'm lying. But, hopefully, we will get some REAL news as the main site has recently gone down and has been replaced by a timer. 5 Days and SOMETHING will happen. A release date? A new character? Another trailer? Or just more dissapointment? I guess we'll find out then. Anyway, whilst we are here, i'll ask this: What new character would YOU like to see added to Brawl? Me, I would love to see Trunks from Dragon Ball Z. Highly unlikely, but it would own.
Also, say hello to my two new emblems. King of Comedy and Drama King. I have two reviews up, a Team America review at Filmspot and a Zelda: TP review at Gamespot.