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The Universal Union is looking for mods! Post here to apply!


Yep. I'm starting up a union. I mentioned this in my previous blog post and am currently looking for 4-8 mods to help start it up. Basically, the union will be a General Union, ranging from Games to Sports to Telivision to Books. The Message Board will be free for all, so discuss anything there.

If you want to mod the union fill out this application and post below. Remember, the union hasn't been created first. I need 4 Moderators before it can official be created, so i'll send the invites.


How much time you can dedicate to the union daily:

Why you should get the spot:

Fill out those 3 questions and post below. Also, if you are good with graphics (and I mean good, not ok) then point that out to and leave a banner you've created or something below. Our union needs graphics and if you can supply them then you will be more likely to get the position. Also, any suggestions for a better name then Universal Union? I don't want anything that sounds to serious.