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Viginia-Tech Rampage

V-Tech Rampage: The Game

From You might have heard about this game V-Tech Rampage. In it, you play the person responsible for the April 16, 2007 massacre at Virginia Tech, and it's your job to carry out the notorious events of that day. True to life, the game ends (and you "win") when you complete your mission and kill yourself.

This game's starting to get noticed around the Internet, and as you might imagine, most people don't think too highly of it. BlogCritics described it this way: "The game is riddled with embarrassing typographical errors, the ridiculous screens that follow failure are beyond pathetic, and the choice of music is sure to cause copyright issues. It's a sad cry for attention, and a miserable use of a tragedy in an attempt to reach that goal." says, "V-Tech Rampage doesn't bring anything more than shoddy, tacky game play to the table. Free speech and free expression are great. Just make sure you've got something to say."

Not content to stop there, the author, PiGPEN, has set up a page on his personal webpage stating that, if enough people deposit money in his Paypal account, he'll take the game down. Some of the people weighing in on this feel that we should pre-emptively take it down, especially in light of PiGPEN's attempt to profit from it.

Does this game have any merit, or is it strictly an exercise in poor taste? Are you offended by it? Did you enjoy playing it? Should it be taken down? What do you think?


Just though i'd post this. It's taken from a post on concerning a game that was submitted to the site. Personally, i've seen more distastefull things then this and taking it down isn't going to undo what happened at V-Tech. Anyway, whilst i'm here I thought i'd redirect you to one of my own submissions, Ultimate Riddle V2.0. Please view it and leave some comments below.

Also, i've hit level 4 at and am now a Thighmaster, aswell as reaching level 2 at Filmspot.

Also my review for Resident Evil 4 is up. Check it out (bottom of my profile)!

Thanks for reading!