I started up a forum awhile ago, it was pretty succesfull getting over 100 members within the first two weeks. Sadly, it suffered some attacks from other internet forums targeting us. I decided to abandon in. But now, it's back. After cleaning it up a bit and contacting old members, I've decided to revive it. The forum was just "revived" under an hour ago, and already a few ex-regulars have returned. There are few rules and as of tomorrow daily updates! Expect to see a new skin, new boards and the such within coming weeks, aswell as new purchases from the forum shop!
Modships are now reopened so sign up and you may get the spot. Ignore that it's a Proboards forum, it was pretty active back in the day and I play on gathering more mods, so the attackers won't bother us. Help return it to it's former glory!
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