Recently, the Newgrounds portal has seen an ongoing war between the Uzi Union and the Kitty Krew. The KK started it by stealing the UU's flash intro, the UU retaliated and within months over 6.4 Billion Dollars worth of damages have been incurred. Kittens and Uzi's alike have died because of the greed of their leaders, but they follow blindly. I, am one of the few rebelling UU's. I am trying to untite the KK and the UU for the good of the world. So, Newgrounders, I ask you... Why Can't We Be Friends?
Just watch it, not only will it bring a tear to your eye, but it will show you that we can all get along. I think that we can all learn a message from this, but not just us! All the world leaders can. Or something. AAAAAAAAAHHHH, I fail!