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Dying Light

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Fast & Furious: Showdown

Mercenaries 2: World in Flames

Dead Island: Riptide

The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct

Aliens: Colonial Marines

The Darkness

Call of Duty: Black Ops II

Medal of Honor: Warfighter

Resident Evil 6


Prototype 2

Unit 13

Grand Theft Auto IV

Resistance 3

Viking: Battle for Asgard

Bullet Witch

Terminator Salvation


Killzone 3

Resistance: Retribution

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent

Dead to Rights: Retribution

Terminator Salvation
If I had to sum up Terminator Salvation in one word that would be it: small A small selection of enemies, a small selection of weapons, small levels and just a small amount of your time that is required to finish the ... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Bullet Witch
A nice glass of water in this releasedrought...
Some games win you over the second you boot them up, some games need you to give them a chance to grow on you...enter Bullet Witch. First things first: No Bullet Witch is not as bad as most reviews make it out to be. ... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpful
could have...would have...should have
You've seen them right? You're strolling through a mall, and right in front of you is a mom holding her young child by the hand. Every time that child's attention shifts towards something interesting and he/she reaches o... Read Full Review
2 of 7 users found the following review helpful
Killzone 3
We made Killzone 3, it's our game.
If there's one thing I learned to appreciate in my many years of gaming it's a developer that listens to it's fanbase. Think about it for a second. How often do you see a developer that's right on top of fan feedback. ... Read Full Review
3 of 7 users found the following review helpful
Resistance: Retribution
Cleverly designed and exciting to play, RR shows it's possible to have pocketsized console experience.
You know.....there are some sad facts of life you just have to accept.. For instance, you will never own a lightsabre. You will also never be able to move objects with the power of your mind no matter how hard you try... Read Full Review
2 of 3 users found the following review helpful
Killzone 2
Just threw my controller into my bedroom wall
I actually did just that.. sure it was just my old six-axis since my dualshock 3 was getting charged, but I actually smashed my controller into a thousand pieces.. Here's why... Man...where do I start. I love Killzon... Read Full Review
7 of 17 users found the following review helpful
Gran Turismo 5
The foundation for an epic title
I've done a dozen or so reviews here on gamespot and Gran Turismo 5 is easily the hardest gamereview I have done. Not because I don't have an opinion on it because I most certainly do. No it's because I have to rate a ga... Read Full Review
3 of 4 users found the following review helpful
Fable III
Molyneux has done it again
It was after a good 5 hours of play that it suddenly hit me and I smiled...He's done it again. Peter Molyneux did it again. He sold me the same false promise three times, and each time I felt happy when closing the deal ... Read Full Review
7 of 9 users found the following review helpful
Resistance 2
Minor gripes aside, Resistance 2 is a must own for any shooterfan.
In these days of Call of Duties, Halo's and Gears of Wars you can't even imagine any developer with half a brain to even WANT to release a shooter anymore. Every shooter that is released today is immediately compared to... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
Another way to look at Kane & Lynch
All movies are about the same thing: They're about bad things happening to beautiful people. I think it was a famous director that once said that and he was ofcourse absolutely right. The question that comes to mind h... Read Full Review
3 of 4 users found the following review helpful
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
UMK3 shows SF2 how it's done...
UMK3 is the second old school fighting game to hit the xbox live arcade. And boy what a translation it is. I've good some good news and... some even better news !!! The good news is It's an arcadeperfect which mean... Read Full Review
27 of 30 users found the following review helpful
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Nijuu Spy
Excellent stealth but not without setting off some alarms
First things first: Splinter Cell Double Agent is an outstanding title well worth picking up even in these upcoming times of multiple AAA releases. There are so many great titles coming out I (like many others) have t... Read Full Review
29 of 31 users found the following review helpful
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