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returning to older games

I've just returned to infamous after a month of other games and as i'd hoped my intrest is re-newed.In my other posts about infamous i said that i dident think it would get boring any time soon and i'm glad to see i was right.The power you gain as you progress and the ability to run accross rooftops deflecting bullets and zapping bolts of lightning takes a long while of playing to get boring and then it only takes amonth to get awsome again.

once again i will suggest infamous as a must buy as it is getting gradually cheaper in places like Game and Blockbuster.

i've also played an old game for the first time and even though it is one of the PS3's first first person shooters it still never ceases to amaze me how entertaining and challenging it can be,the game is the famous resistance fall of man which is £4 in blockbuster and was picked up just for the cheap price by my dad.After that we went on to play the story co-operatively and found out how fun it is for a old shooter.