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Darkwave22 Blog

Games that rock: Portal

New video up for you all to enjoy, but I would like to point out a few things. If you already watched the video you probably ask two things, Why the hell is it so quiet and why does the quality look like sh!t.

The sound problem is easy it was because my speakers were so low:P

The video was do to me having to change the the resolution and actually uploading to gamespot. It seems that when you upload to gamespot the actual quality takes a hit, explaining why it looks really rough. well in my opinion at least.

Hope that clears up a few things, and enjoy your spring break!(if you have one that is)

Games that rock: Actraiser

Hey guys, this is Darkwave22 here to tell you about a new series of videos I am going to work on. With the miracle that is camstudio I am now able to recored video footage with sound unlike before. which means I can do more stuff than before, but since this is pretty much a rush job there is no editing(which the future videos will have). So I hope you enjoy and please comment!



1:03 am, Darkwave22's room

D22:"I wonder what the update is tonight for brawl"

goes to

D22:"A new stage that's cool, wait... what is THIS!"

"Due to delays in the completion of Super Smash Bros. Brawl, we've had to change the release date of the game to Sunday March 9th"."I deeply apologize to the people who have looked forward to playing the game for so long just a little longer,Thank you for you Patience"

D22:"Sakurai...... YOU SON OF A B!TCH!!!!!"

Darkness Impressions: Check mii out channel

If you have a Wii you obviously know about the channels, one person could say there extra features to keep you busy until you wait MONTHS for a good Wii game to come out. Nintendo has been releasing more channels for use like the everybody votes channel, metroid prime 3 preview channel, and know finally the check mii out channel. Today I am going to give you my impressions

Presentation: 7/10

When you first start out the channel, you first see this paper like art (well to me at least). At the start it seems pretty nice, but it will get dull pretty fast if you are on there for a while. also the music might get on your nerves. overall the layout is pretty standard to the recent channels might satisfy

Features: 8.5/10

The features in this channel are AWSOME, on the channel you can send you mii's in to get rated by wii owners all over the world. you can import other mii's on the channel to your mii plaza to have, but you cant edit them at all(only there names). And finally the contests you can submit a mii(which goes with the theme of the contest) and see where it will rank up. you can see catagories from the popular, top 50, gar bage, or search.

There is only on thing that pisses me off..... let's say you want to see your friends creations(there is no friends list in this channel) guess what you have to do...... you have to get that miis code and search for it. yes everyone friend codes have invaded the channel. Thats not the worst part each mii has there own code so you cant enter a code and then look at your friends creations. YOU HAVE TO ENTER EACH CODE FOR EVERY MII THEY HAVE TO SEE THEM. This goes for you to you cant have a list and ranking for you miis, no that makes to much f*cking sense lets make the creators tediously enter a code for there miis to see their rankings!

Well those are my impressions of the check mii out channel hope you enjoyed. depending on how this did I might do more, so please comment and tell me if it is good or not. Darkwave22 signing out!

overall score 8/10

Video Game Addict Quiz

The quiz can be found here

I found this really interesting, if you can take the quiz do it you might be surprised ;)

Just answer the questions in the description, when you are done just count the ones you said yes to and see where you rank. if you wonder what I scored I got 16. Also I recommend watching jedite1 videos he is pretty cool. Darkwave22 signing out!

Happy Birthday to me!

Yes another year of my life has gone by, funny it seems time is going faster each year.

I have to make this short because of homework, Freshman year sucks :x

So see you guys next time and.... Happy birthday to me!

also Halo 3 tomorrow how convenient

Warning! Warning!, Incomeing Rants soon!

Yes it's time to use what my blog was made for... rants! You shall now see my opinions from T.V shows, games, consoles and movies. I am doing this to mainly express my opinions and for your entertainment. My first rant should be up in one or two weeks from now. so until then, good night and good luck

P.S. If you have noticed I changed my layout tell me what you think!

P.P.S. My freind code is on my online ID's tab. pm me if you add me

One year at Gamespot!

Yes! I have been hear for one year. To me this is good day because I have met more people because of this. And in 28 days Metroid Prime 3: corruption comes out. But there's a problem with that, a couple days after that school starts... Damn it. Well better enjoy it while it lasts, Darkwave22 signing out!

I am back

Hey guys I have finally came home after my two week vacation. I have alot of stuff to catch up to. you can feel free to ask me how my vacation was, darkwave22 signing out!
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