Name: Anthony
Age: 22
Sign: Aquarius
Occupation: Junior Software Engineer
Favorite Castlevania Games:
3. Super Castlevania 4
2. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
1. Castlevania 3: Draculas Cruse
Favorite Non-Castlevania Games;
Game Series List:
Ninja Gaiden, Metal Gear, Prince of Persia, Zelda, Metroid, Double Dragaon, Mega Man, TMNT, Onimusha, Devil May Cry, God of War, Shinobi, Streets of Rage, Contra, Guilty Gear, Metal Slug, anything Mario, Blaster Master, Kirby, Z.O.E., Street Fighter, and more I can't remember
Individual Games List:
Final Fantasy 6, Phantasy Star 4, Shadow of the Colossus ( can't find a copy of Ico ), No More Heros, Dark Sector, Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, The Guardian Legend, Journey to Silius, Jackal, and many others... check my games list
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