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A lot of New Stuff

Well a lot has happened since my last blog...xD

Firstly, one of my best friends who moved away came up to visit for a week. Her name is Cassie, and she's a lesbian. Lol. She also had a huge crush on me for a few years, in which I had no idea about. :| But anyways...we hungout and had a blast!! Back in high school it was always me, her and Liz!! :D So it was great hanging with them both like the old days. We spent one day doing nothing but watching movies and just hanging out like we used to. It made me realize how badly I missed the old days and how close her and I were. It's been awhile since I could be myself around someone and not have to worry about what they thought of me. :D So it was great hanging out with her. Also a relief.

We also hung out with Robbie. So it was me, liz, cassie and robbie. :D We put all the money we had together and bought a crap load of alcohol. Lol. I was the first one to take shots...and I'm still unsure what I was drinking. This was the first time I took shots and did all that. xD So I have like no tolerance to alcohol. So you can pretty much guess that I got kinda drunk. :? I do remember drinking this apple pucker stuff because it had a sour taste to it. Lol. I actually ended up flashing liz and cassie...:shocked: Robbie was in the kitchen thank god....xD I call Robbie my Big Bro, so all of you know that. :D He calls me his Lil Sis. We were watching a movie....and when I remember what movie it was, I'll tell you...xD Lol.

I also got into a huge fight with my uncle and gram. So here's the story....I was on my sisters computer (My sister doesn't live with me anymore, got kicked out) trying to get rid of this counterfeit microsoft program my cousin Jordan accidentally downloaded, so she wouldn't get into trouble. My gram tells me to get off my sisters computer and that I have my own laptop to ruin and f*** up....(yes my gram said that). Well I said no, that I was fixing something really quickly. And that's when my uncle gets in my literally 2-3 inches away from my face screaming/yelling at me to get off the computer, its not mine, that I have no reason ever being on it, or touching it for that matter...with swear words thrown in as well....I so wanted to hit him up the side his head with the darn I was picturing it while he was yelling at which Liz and Robbie were over my house witnissing I was pretty upset. Had to take a shower to calm down because I ended up throwing some of my nail polish bottles and breaking a few when I got up in my room. Robbie hugged me to calm me down, so that was fortunate because my uncle ended up coming upstairs and if Robbie didn't calm me down I would have thrown the lamp or got one of my swords out and put it to some good use. :twisted:

Well aside from all past week wasn't the best of weeks unfortunately. I did get my hair cut the other day...almost forgot to mention that. I was barely able to talk to my darling, so that sucked. Like he would get on msn for a little bit but we weren't talking through that msn video call....and it's been killing me inside actually. I've been feeling more and more lonely as each hour passes through the day. But I shall endure it...because I love him more than anything. :oops:

::What's Happening Soon::

- I'm getting my two bottom wisdom teeth cut out this thursday so I won't be talking or eating for awhile. *sighs*

- Got my group depression session thursday as well and we're doing some activity. Not sure what it is yet.

- I'm looking at tattoos, so I'm most likely going to be getting one sometime this summer if I can figure out what I want. Lol. I actually may post the ones that interest me and get your opinion. So keep yourself updated with my blogs. =]