Well ever since my beloved Azure darling got banned, my life hasn't been going easy. Not sure what's been going on with me but I haven't been acting like myself. Which I am sure he would agree if he could post a comment to my blog. :|I have been doing nothing but thinking lately and I have nothing. Perhaps it's just a phase I'll soon get out of, but I have been totally snapping at people and I don't even need a reason to. It'll just come out of nowhere and then I'll find myself in the worst mood ever. Full of anger, hurt, loneliness...etc. I just get waves after waves of these emotions and I can't seem to rise above them. Heck, I even snapped at Tom the other night. :? And I never done that before, he was even shocked about it. So I'm not sure what triggered it or why it happened.
But on another note, I have been being woken up by nightmares. I really don't want to post them on here since they are very personal and dark. So I'll just inform you that my mother is mostly involved in them. And if you don't know, my mother was murdered when I was 3 years old infront of me. So that plays a big part of these demons I have. Demons I don't think I will ever be able to escape. But my Tom darling has been helping me cope with them. He really is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. Well I'm ending that right now. Tears are bout to form and I don't feel like crying.
Lastly, I got past level 20 and am on level 21 now. So yay for that. Just wish Tom was here.