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DarrenMolloy Blog

Been A While ..

God, its been a good few months since ive signed onto this, loooots have happened :)

Hoping to make this a permanent bloggy thingy, so lets hope it goes well

peace :D

Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising.... Yes or No...?

Right so i got Operation Flashpoint Dragon rising last week, the game ive been waitin for the last 3 years, and wen i got i couldnt actuali WAIT to play it..Then i played it, and as i was playin, after the first hour i thought, wow this is Crap!! I actuali wanted to return the game...Like, the graphics were NOT up to the standard they should be, the aiming reli pissed me off, the AI = Headless chickens are smarter than them, at leats they know not to run into crossfire or go behind me and blow my head off with a M16 cause there is a guy the other side of me!! .... And yet one week later, i love it...It may have its pretty terrible graphics but considering how big the place is, you can look at it with amazment, and ive gottin used to its aiming and the AI, i just laugh at(well apart from wen i get shot lol) cause its funny watchin them say friendly fire and at that moment you just want to blow their jaw off LOL!!.. So for me, Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising, the game i wanted for three years, the Franchise i loved since i was a 7 year old boy who was addicted to shootin Russians lol on Malden, Kolgujev and Everon...Was a grower on me...And i love it too much now ... :)