I am really starting to do less and less blogs now it seems and its pretty much the same reason as before. The job and its utter crapness (if that's even a word). I know it shouldn't get me down but it does and I just hate going in every day and working there being bored to death while the day drags on. While I am in there, the day kind of drags and is slow but when I am off say during the weekend, it goes too fast for my liking. My goal is to be out of that job by the end of June and hopefully that is obtained soon since I have applied for several jobs already and they are a lot different to what I am doing now. Right now, I can give a week's notice when I am leaving but if I am there 3 months, I have to give a month's notice, which I do not want to occur.
In non-misery-at-job news, I have picked up a few games since my last update and you can pretty much see what those are in my Now Playing Section. Rock Band I should have talked about before this but all I can say is that it is a very fun game. My favourite part of it is not the drums, which I thought it would be but the mic. I liked to sing though and even though I am not the best singer in the world, I tend to have a pretty decent voice, which works well for some songs and not for others. The drums on the other hand, while fun, are random. It could be the set I got but I feel the kick pedal in particular is defective and that it responds half the time and not the other half. I don't want to apply too much pressure on it in case I break the pedal but you have to push down on it a bit hard at times in order for it to hit the beat.
The guitar just plain sucks. I tried it for 10 mins and just couldn't handle it. The strum bar is just too stiff and the same can be said for the buttons and couldn't use it as well as I could the X-plorer and one reason is the X-plorer is smaller. So chances are that I will use tht guitar again is very low indeed.
The other games I have picked up are of course The Orange Box for the Xbox 360 and No More Heroes for the Wii. The Orange Box for the 360 is just pretty much the orange box, except not in 60fps. That is all I need to say on that. No More Heroes I have played about 1 hour of and its a cool game. I played Killer 7 and just couldn't get into it due to some of its weird gameplay mechanics and whatnot. NMH I can get into since its just one of those games you can just delve into and have a blast killing guys with your lightsaber knock-off, the beam katana. I see myself playing this one to the end since its been a while since I actually finished a game and if I am to complete that goal I set out for myself at the start of the year, I need to get going and finish more games. GTA IV is one of them since I haven't finished it yet and well, yesterday was the first time I played it in over a week or so. Done some missions like the Undertaker and Peogrino's Pride, which got on my nerves and trying to get the finish in under 30 hours achievement and don't think I am going to do that since I have less than 6 hours to go and still have to do about 10-15 missions.
Anyway that is all from me. I will see if I can do a video blog sometime this week just to go into more detail about what I have talked about here amongst other things.