What is wrong with me? Seriously, this month I am going a bit reckless with the spending for some strange reason. I said I wasn't even going to get anything this month really and basically that promise went out the bloody window when I got Lost Odyssey and since then, its just been getting worse and worse.
But hey I got all that for £29.99 + £15.00 p & p so I think its not all bad considering the fact that Mike has told me its much dearer to get Sega/Mega CDs in the US. But I sent a message to the seller asking if there is any chance I can get it without the Mega Drive since I already have one. No reply yet and if he doesn't reply by tomorrow, then I will just go ahead and pay for it.
What's next, a Neo-Geo or a Phillips CD-I? :P
UPDATE: Got a message that went something like this:
Hi, thanks for bidding on my item. Unfortunately everything has to go as one item. All the value is really in the Mega CD anyway. Wish I could help but I'd just be stuck with the MegaDrive. Regards Gordon
Ah well, will sell the Mega Drive anyway since I don't want to have one lying about but then again, it would be good to have a spare in case the one I am using brakes. What do you guys think I should do?