Today was special for me for two reasons as people who check my profile regularly would know why. One was the release of the biggest game of this year and my most anticipated game of the year in my eyes and the second reason and more importantly it was my 23rd birthday. Unfortunately my time with GTA IV is shortlived for the day since I had to work of course and since I am working early tomorrow, I only played around 2 hours of it. But those 2 hours were pretty damn great and if the 2 hours I've played have anything to go by, GTA IV is going to be pretty special.
There is just so many things that I can talk about during my brief visit into Liberty City and Niko Bellic but I will talk about them more in detail in an upcoming blog. But here a few things I like:
1. The voice-acting is pretty superb. I really like the voice of Niko more than the others but the characters I have encountered thus far have great voices to match up also.
2. The World is big and beautiful. This Liberty City is a LOT different from the Liberty City we saw back in GTA III over 6 years ago and it just breathes life with the beautiful graphics and lighting.
3. The Humour is still there. There are just so many great laughable moments in GTA's history and it looks like its going to be the same here. Whether its from a cutscene, watching the TV or listening to one of the crazy people on the talk radio channels, I am sure I am going to get more funny moments in the upcoming play sessions.
Those are 3 things I really like about the game. I have not tried out the MP of course since I just wanted to delve into te single-player for today but on my days off, its MP and SP action all the way. :) I will give you some detailed impressions with the game in a video format perhaps sometime next week since I will be busy playing it on my days off and working during the weekend so next week will probably be the latest.
Anyway, I will catch you guys soon and hit me up for GTA action when the time comes!
PS I would also like to wish Spike a Happy Birthday also since his birthday is also today but is a year younger than me.